Getting to T'ai Li Lodge
on Cortes Island

Cortes Island, in the Desolation Sound region of Canada’s west coast, is one of the most beautiful and peaceful places on the face of the earth. Separated from 'civilization' by two ferry rides, it is easy to access, but “on the way to nowhere” and relatively undiscovered.

T'ai Li Lodge is located in the first small bay south of Cortes Bay. We welcome arrivals by boat or kayak. Rental guests are welcome to tie up at the seasonal dock or float, or at one of the secure moorings off the dock. The bay is protected from all but strong southeasterlies. In stormy weather, secure anchorage is available in Cortes Bay, and moorage is also available at the government dock in Cortes Bay.

Travel to Cortes Island by Car and Ferry

We recommend reservations on ferries from the mainland during high season (reservations are not available on the Quadra or Cortes ferries). We are happy to help plan your ferry trip to help you avoid congestion on the route.

Ferry Service to Vancouver Island

Vancouver, BC to Vancouver Island, Victoria or Naniamo (BC Ferries)

Vancouver Island to Cortes Island (BC Ferries)
Routes & Fares: 1-888-223-3779
Reservations: 1-888-724-5223

Seattle, WA to Victoria, passenger only (Victoria Clipper)

Port Angeles, WA to Victoria

Anacortes, WA to Victoria

Where to Find Rental Cars in Campbell River, BC

Rental cars are available at the Campbell River Airport:
Budget: 250-923-4283 (Campbell River)
National: 250-923-1234 (Campbell River), 1-800-387-4747

Taxi and Bus Service on Vancouver Island, Quadra Island, and Cortes Island

Quadra Taxi: (250) 285-3598 (Quadra Island)
Cortes Connection: 250-935-6911 (Cortes Island)
Campbell River Airporter: 250-286-3000
Island Link Bus

Island Link offers express passenger bus service between most Vancouver Island points and BC Ferries' services at Nanaimo Departure Bay.

Getting from Vancouver Island to Cortes Island via Quadra Island

From the BC Ferry terminals in Victoria or Nanaimo, head north on Inland Highway 19 or the scenic 19A that runs along the eastern coast of Vancouver Island. It's an easy two hour drive from Nanaimo to Campbell River. From Campbell River take the BC Ferry to Quadra Island (15 minute crossing). Drive across Quadra Island to Heriot Bay (15 minutes) and board the BC Ferry to Cortes Island (about a 45 minute ferry ride). Note: Reservations are not available on Quadra or Cortes ferries. Arrive early to avoid lineups in high season.

Driving Directions to T'ai Li Lodge on Cortes Island, BC

  • Drive off the ferry on to Harbour Road which ends at a "T" junction (1.5 km / .9 miles).
  • Turn right on to Carrington Bay Road, and proceed to another "T" (1.2 km/.75 miles) to Whaletown Raod.
  • Turn left on to Whaletown Road and travel 6.1 km/ 3.8 miles to a fork part way up a steep hill, where you bear right on to Gorge Harbour Road.
  • Drive 3.8 km/2.4 miles on Gorge Harbour Road and turn left at the "T" junction on to Seaford Road.
  • Travel 1.9 km/1.2 miles on Seaford Road and take your first right on Cortes Bay Road.
  • On Cortes Bay Road continue past Bartholomew Road on your left until you reach Red Granite Road and turn left (2.6km/1.6 miles from Seaford Road).
  • Go to Ellingsen Way and take a right turn, then take your first left onto the T'ai Li driveway (marked with a sign). Please go right at our turn around circle and park on your right. Walk down to the Lodge or Arbutus Point Camp. We will welcome and orient you, and direct you to the unloading area.

Travel by boat or Kayak to T'ai Li Lodge

Please note chart reference and way points: Chart #3538; 50° 03'.27 North Latitude and 124° 55'.72 West Longitude; please contact us prior to arrival for moorage instructions (800-939-6644 or 250-935-6711).

You can kayak to Cortes Island via Lund on the Sunshine Coast. If you are bringing your own kayak and driving from Seattle or the Vancouver area you might want to drive and take two car ferries up the Sunshine Coast (north of Vancouver), park your car in Lund and paddle to Cortes Island (about a 16 km/10 mile trip if you follow the shore). Check with us for additional details and refer to the chart information above.

Water Taxi from Lund to Cortes Island

Lund Water Taxi Ltd.
Foot passenger transport is available by water taxi from Lund, BC to Cortes Bay and to T’ai Li Lodge. They will transport kayaks as well.

Discovery Launch Water Taxi
Foot passenger transport from Campbell River to Cortes bay or Mansons Landing
250- 287-7577

Air Travel to Campell River

Air travelers can connect through to Campbell River Airport from Vancouver International Airport, from Seattle via Kenmore Air (float plane service from downtown Seattle or wheeled plane service from Boeing Field). Daily WestJet flights from Calgary or Edmonton arrive at Comox International Airport, 45 minutes south of Campbell River.

Air Canada and partner airlines operate scheduled flights from Seattle and Vancouver to Campbell River and Powell River. A transfer from Campbell River Airport to the ferry terminal in Campbell River is available (Campbell River Airporter).

Air Service to Vancouver Island

Air Canada:
1-800-663-8868 (US)
1888-247-2262 (Canada)

Central Mountain Air (Vancouver-Campbell River)

Pacific Coastal Airlines (Vancouver-Campbell River)

WestJet (Calgary or Edmonton, and other Canadian & U.S. hubs to Comox)

Seaplane Service to Cortes Island

The most spectacular way to travel to T'ai Li Lodge is by seaplane to Cortes Bay, 15 minutes from our Lodge. We will pick you up on arrival.

Pacific Coastal Airlines flies year-round from Vancouver Airport; you change planes at Powell River or Campbell River and fly to Cortes Bay (Corilair).

Kenmore Air operates scheduled flights from Seattle to Cortes Bay from June through September.

Corilair offers scheduled flights from Vancouver Harbour to Cortes Bay (June through September).
250-287-8371 (Campbell River)
1-888-287-8366 (North America)

Vancouver Island Air
250-287-2433, 1-877-331-2433
Charter service only

Please feel free to call us or these airlines for additional information or to arrange custom charter flights to Cortes Island.